Refugees Welcome

A group of people in Wukania is engaged for the rights of refugees in the Barnim. We criticize, for example, the drastic aggrevation of the German and European asylum policy, are committed against deportations and against racist agitation. Among other things, we advocate for decent housing for refugees and against accommodation in collective housing. It is especially difficult for refugees to get an apartment.

So the idea was born to create a housing opportunity for these people in Wukania. A fundraising campaign provided the necessary funds for the development of such an apartment and since 2016 refugees have taken advantage of this offer.

Before the Corona pandemic, we were also involved in meeting opportunities for refugees and those who stayed here in Biesenthal and the surrounding area - we hope to resume this in the future.

The Biesenthal „Begegnungscafé“ was held once a month throughout the year, in the parish hall of the Ev. Church in Schulstraße.

For the „Café Mensch“ - free ice cream café with refugees and people who stayed here, which took place monthly in the summer, more than 50 guests came to us at the Wukensee each time.


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