How do they live?

There are three residential projects in Wukania: the Kinyis, the Betties and the Paradieschen. Here, community living takes place. In addition to personal rooms, there are also a large number of shared rooms that are available to all residents - for joint meals, meetings, celebrations, game evenings and so on. To make this work, there are regular residential project meetings where wishes, tasks and conflicts can be discussed and decisions can be made together.

Moving in is always preceded by a longer period of getting to know each other, a trial period and acceptance into the "Projektwerkstatt". For the time being, however, we ask you to refrain from enquiries.

Paradieschen: At the moment there is no further accommodation available, but this may change in the medium term.

Betties: At the moment there is no further accommodation available, but this may change in the medium term.

Kinyi: For the foreseeable future there is no further accommodation available.

The residential projects have overlapping personnel and functions with other projects on the grounds, which leads to intensive networking between the projects. The residents also work in the "Projektewerkstatt auf Gegenseitigkeit" (PaG) and contribute to the sustaining and developing of Wukania.


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